The kid takes after his parents. All he needed was a deadline to get his butt in gear. Claire’s water broke tonight at 9:45 pm. We are going to try to rest as much as we can tonight and go into the hospital in the early morning. Depending on the strength and frequency of the contractions, we might go to the hospital sooner. Keep checking back for more updates.
The end (or beginning depending on how you look at things) is in sight. We had an appointment with the midwife today and everything still looks good. Despite being 1 week and 1 day past due, Mom and Baby are doing great. We have decided to give Buddha a deadline of Friday morning. If he doesn’t start his journey out of the womb, we are going to help him. We figure he needs this deadline if he’s a procrastinator like his parents. So, Claire is scheduled to be induced on Friday at 8:00 in the morning. The only way this would change if: a) Buddha starts labor himself before Friday or b) There is no available delivery rooms at the Hospital because everyone else in Chicago is having a baby on Friday. Wish us luck. Hopefully by the end of the weekend, there will be a picture of Baby Buddha on Toon-Time.
Pokey. Well, that’s what we are calling this kid until he is born. Now 5 days overdue, there doesn’t seem to be any delivery in site. Claire is very ready to have this kid and be able to sleep on her stomach and not have to carry around the extra weight. Maybe Pokey will come today but I’m not counting on it.
Well, March 21st has come and gone. As most of you know, that was Buddha’s due date. We went to the doctor’s this morning and Baby and Mommy are doing great. Our midwife thinks that everything looks good and she’s anticipating the little guy to make his arrival soon. Claire, being the dedicated dental student, is still going to class and clinic.
Claire and I can’t wait to meet him. I don’t know how to convey how anxious we are. When you get this close or past your due date, it’s worse than seeing all the Christmas presents under the tree on Christmas Eve. Going past the due date feels like you woke up Christmas morning and your parents said.. “Not today. You have to wait till New Years to open your gifts”. BUMMER.
Well, I hope he comes soon. Keep checking back for more updates.
I tried my best to convince Buddha that it would be really cool to have his birthday on St. Patrick’s Day, but apparently he didn’t buy that argument because I’m still pregnant. I guess he’s more Asian than Irish. My classmates even have a pool going to predict when he’ll be born. For the past week when I walk into school in the morning, at least one person will say, “Damn, you’re still pregnant. I’m out of the pool” and about 20 others will ask me to hold off till a certain date to be closer to the date and time they predicted. Sorry, guys, but when he’s ready, I’m ready.
In any event, to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we had some neighbors over for appetizers and drinks last night. It’s probably the last time for quite a while that we’ll be hosting anything, so it was nice to have people over. Hopefully now the neighbors will be a little more understanding in the next few months when our little bundle of joy is letting the entire building know he’s hungry at 3am.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
As in, 2 weeks and 2 days until Buddha is due. It hardly seems possible that his due date is so close, but I think we are in good shape. He has been very well behaved since the drama at the end of the week. Hopefully he has settled in the correct position and he’ll just hang out there till its time to be born.
As for me, I’m on Spring Break this week and I’m very much looking forward to a week of doing absolutely nothing. Greg’s parents will be in town, so I’m sure we’ll spend some time with them, and I plan on running some last minute errands, but other than that, my plan is to sit around and enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant!
At the appointment for the external version, an ultrasound was done before they started anything. We were relived to discover that during the night Buddha had moved head down. Yippee. Either he likes ice cream or we put the fear of God into him to turn. Our midwife was very curious on what we did to make him turn. I’m not sure if was anything that we did or he just decided it was time but here are 2 things we tried…
- frozen peas on the top of Claire stomach while she elevated her pelvis
- I talked to him but at the lower middle part of her belly instead of the side when I lay next to Claire in bed at night. I said things like… “If you don’t turn this way, your going to be grounded until your 2. Stop giving Mommy a hard time. No more ice cream for you unless you turn.” etc. Can you tell what kind of parent I am going to be?
If you ask my Mother-In-Law, she will swear it was the talking to that she gave Buddha via a cell phone to tummy call that made him turn.
Now, that he is head down we are afraid that he’s going to turn back to being transverse. The doctors and midwife said that it’s very unusual for that to happen but we are worried none the less. So now, if I talk to him by speaking directly and close to Claire’s belly, it will never be on the side like before. It will always be to the lower middle of her belly. I’m not taking any chances. If this is the only drama we have for this pregnancy, that will be fine with me.
Buddha’s really done it this time. So bad, that mommy has sworn to give up ice cream to punish him. That’s saying something when a pregnant women denies herself ice cream to punish her unborn child! Yesterday afternoon in our routine (now weekly) visits to the doctor, we discovered that Buddha was transverse (sideways in the womb). At this stage in the game, this is not good. The baby should be head down. If Buddha stays transverse, he will have to be delivered via c-section no questions asked. You don’t have to be a doctor to realized the difficulties of delivering a baby sideways and not head first. I’ve learned throughout the pregnancy that the human body especially a woman’s body is a amazing thing but this would be a very tall order. We have been told he was head down in previous visits but he must have moved for whatever reason. Our midwife scheduled us to come in first thing this morning to have an external version. This procedure involves the doctor moving the baby manually/externally while using an ultrasound to guide the movements. There is a very small chance that this could cause a great amount of distress to the baby which would then dictate an immediate c-section. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. I’ll post another update later tonight to let you all know how the procedure went.
LOST has been one of our favorite shows of late. Claire and I are not into it like some people (Sara) who try to find all of the little hints and clues about what is happening on the island. So, we needed a little help to try to figure it out. This is the best article and the one that makes the most sense so far. If you don’t know what I am talking about, do yourself a favor and check out season 1 on DVD. Then get all of this years episodes from bittorrent to get caught up. Don’t read the article if you have not watched any of this season yet.
I can’t believe how quickly Claire’s due date is approaching (March 21st for those of you who didn’t know). There are only 28 days left until D-day. This past weekend we were out eating topas with neighbors when I realized 28 days = 4 weekends. We only have 4 more weekends left of being a 2 person family! Don’t get me wrong. I can’t wait for Buddha to arrive but it’s always been something that has been months away. Now, the baby arriving is very real.
For a couple of weeks now, it has seemed that we were ready for Buddha’s arrival. All of the major purchases are made, various assortment of baby items are acquired, and the nursery is all ready to go. There is nothing left for us to do but sit back, relax, and wait for him to make his apperance. Now, I can think of a million things that still need to be done. Most of them are Bradley Method related (coaching stuff for the delivery) but a lot of things none the less. I guess it’s just the reality of him coming in 4 weekends. Well, ready or not 28 = 4.
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