I don’t know why we buy all these toys for Brendan when Mommy’s socks serve the same purpose.
The training wheels are off. Brendan is walking like crazy. Sometimes he just walks in circles because he can.
This is what we do when actual tempature is below 0 degrees outside on a Sunday.
More videos can be found on YouTube.com by clicking here.
I wish I could take B the way he is now and bottle him up. Keep him this age forever. I’m having the time of my life with B. He’s got his own personality. We’re buddies. We hang out. We watch a little ESPN, the Chicago BEARS, wrestle, and all that other good stuff that Dad’s do with a son his age. I’m sure once the weather gets nicer we’ll go cruise the Lake Front for chicks too. Well, B will cruise and I’ll be his wing man and push his stroller. Even though he can’t talk yet, B still communicates with smiles, giggles, hands clapping in excitement, grunts, and the many different types of cries, screams, and whines. The only four letter words out his mouth right now are Mama and Dada. I’m sure the other four letter words will be flying out of his mouth before we know it. This sort of thing is the reason I wish I could prevent him from growing up. B’s also getting better at walking every day. However, he still sometimes walks like a drunken sailor and will take a good plop on his bottom. I love watching him try to figure out everything and comprehend the World around him. I don’t think it could get any better then it is right now.
There are some things that are not great about B at this stage in his life. But the good far out way the bad. Just so you know that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine at the Toon household, I’ve listed some of the not so great things below:
- B wakes up at 5:00 am every morning. He has not learned that weekends are for sleeping in.
- Stinky diapers. Now that he eats more solids and meats, trash must be taken out every other day. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- He can’t just tell us what the problem is. Instead he just gets very frustrated with us until we can figure it out.
- Heavy… I never realized how heavy 22 lbs is after holding him for 20 min.
- Everything goes into the mouth… brick walls, remotes, clothes, shoes… you get the picture.
Other than that, there is nothing really new to report with the Toon household. It’s pretty much business as usual for us. I’ve finally gotten around to posting pictures from Christmas and some from January. Click on “Photos” link in the menu bar at the top or click here.
We didn’t get it on video but Mommy and Auntie Jennifer got to see it. B took his first step yesterday, one day after he started to really stand on his own. What can we say? He’s a quick study… lol. This picture was taken later that day at the Aviation Museum in Long Island. We were there with my cousin Marilyn and her children. It was a good time.
Auntie Jennifer and B practice standing…. Next step… WALKING! Oh no!
We took B to see The Old Fat Man… a.k.a. Santa on Friday. Santa gave him a little beanie baby but I’m sure all B was asking for was Cheerios. These days that’s all that B seems to want. We took him to a place called Christmas Village a few towns over from Claire’s parents. Claire’s Mom was taken there as a child too. It was a pretty cool place…. but if my wife asks, I will deny I said any such a thing. Two hours waiting outside in the cold to see Santa turned Daddy into a little of a Grinch. I’m glad we did it but I also know it was more for Mommy and Nana then B. He won’t remember Santa from the Salvation Army guy ringing a bell outside the grocery store. This might be a good tradition to start with Nana and Grandpa. As an added bonus, Daddy won”t have to stand in line in the cold next year. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see next year. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas…
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