DSCF0026.thumb Grand Canyon We just got back from the Grand Canyon and are not ready to go back to school/work. Both the Toon’s in the Coffey’s were on this trip. Only my sister Jennifer didn’t make it. We were not there too long but saw a lot. The first night we stayed in great hotel, Jerome Grand Hotel, that used to be a hospital in Jerome, AZ. Jerome claims to be the largest Ghost Town in the World in the 1950’s.

The next day we were off to the Grand Canyon. It was Claire’s first time and my second to the Canyon. However, I didn’t remember much from my first visit there since I was only 6 at the time. Our first experiences at the Canyon exceeded all of our expectations. It’s one of those things that no pictures or words can describe fully. You have to be there on the edge of the Canyon and get a sense of how small you really are in the grand scheme of things. Claire’s parents, her sister and her boyfriend, my Dad, and I all took the overnight mule trip to phantom ranch. Claire could not go because of her condition. More on that later. She stayed at the top of the South Rim with Sandra (my sister) and my Mom. They did some hiking and got to see a lot of the Grand Canyon as well. Overall it was a great trip and would highly recommend it to anyone. Click here to see my photos from the Grand Canyon.

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