As you may recall when we were expectig Brendan we did not want to know the sex of the baby. At our 13 week ultasound we didn’t think they could even determine the sex so we didn’t bother to let the tech know we wanted the gender to be a surprise. After a few minutes of staring at the fuzzy blobs on screen the tech made some comment referring to the fact that the baby was a boy and then back-tracked with “You wanted to find out the sex right?”
This past week we had our 20 week ultrasound for Baby Zen. We were a little smarter this time and told the tech we wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprsie before she’d even turned on all her equipment. At the appropriate time she told us to avert our eyes, lest we catch a glimpse of the baby’s goods. We left the ultrasound with the baby’s gender still a mystery.
Fast forward to two days later when I had my regular check-up with the mid-wife. She brought in the ultrasound report to show me some growth charts and the baby’s measurements and asked me to take a look at it with her. It never occurred to me that the baby’s gender would be on the report. So I scanned all the baby’s measurements and discovered… Baby Zen is a little girl!
Maybe we can be surprised with the gender of Baby #3….