We took B to see The Old Fat Man... a.k.a. Santa on Friday. Santa gave him a little beanie baby but I'm sure all B was asking for was Cheerios. These days that's all that B seems to want. We took him to a place called Christmas Village a few towns over from Claire's parents. Claire's Mom was taken there as a child too. It was a pretty cool place.... but if my wife asks, I will deny I said any such a thing. Two hours waiting outside in the cold to see Santa turned Daddy into a little of a Grinch. :-) I'm glad we did it but I also know it was more for Mommy and Nana then B. He won't remember Santa from the Salvation Army guy ringing a bell outside the grocery store. This might be a good tradition to start with Nana and Grandpa. As an added bonus, Daddy won''t have to stand in line in the cold next year. I guess we'll just have to wait and see next year. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas...